If you'd like to know a little bit about the man behind the opinions, then maybe my top three favorite movies of all time will help gain a little insight into my mind. Take a look:
Anchorman (2004)
A stunningly hilarious and quotable film, undoubtedly Will Ferrell at his finest. As a huge Ferrell fan I consider this one of the funniest films of all time. I wouldn't say I've never laughed harder, or that it's incredibly clever with its humour, but I never fail to fall further in love with this film every time I watch it.
Ferrell himself plays newsman Ron Burgundy, a scotch drinking San Francisco celebrity with a suit collection to die for, who is never short of a memorable one liner. Brilliantly supported by: Paul Rudd (Mike from Friends) as Brian Fantana, smooth talking ladies man; Steve Carrell as Brick Tamland, mentally challenged weatherman; and David Koechner as Champ Kind, loud cowboy sports presenter. These three all help to create a comedy supreme.
If you're not a Mr Ferrell fan, unfortunately, you almost definitely will not enjoy Anchorman. This film is the epitome of his style of comedy, filled to bursting point with classic Will Ferrellisms. However, this is a must watch if you're a fan of all things Ferrell!
Stay classy.
Beetlejuice (1988)
Tim Burton hasn't done his reputation any favours in recent years, with the likes of Alice In Wonderland and Dark Shadows adding to a fairly hefty list of disappointing films. However, if we delve back into the late 80's/early 90's Burton was at the top of his game, releasing classics such as the Batman films, Edward Scissorhands, and most importantly Beetlejuice.
This dark comedy revolves around a young married couple, played by Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis, who tragically die and come back as ghosts residing in their home. However, when the very annoying Deetz family move into the house, they must call upon the services of crazy, rowdy, hyperactive corpse Beetlejuice to help rid themselves of the Deetzs.
Beetlejuice himself is played by Michael Keaton, who puts in a phenomenal performance as a sleazy, obnoxious, disgusting, decomposing, yet always hilarious, ghoul. Packed full of brilliantly funny scenes Beetlejuice never fails to make me laugh and is never a film I don't want to watch. A classic in my eyes, creating a legendary comic character, with one fantastically iconic suit. Brilliant film, and one I'd recommend to anyone and everyone.
Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Ever since I can remember I've always been a massive, unashamedly geeky, Star Wars fan, and yes that includes the prequels. Storm troopers, lightsabers, Wookiees, Ewoks, the Jedi, the Sith, the force. They all excite and enthrall me in a way that, at times, borders on the perverse. The original trilogy are far superior to the new ones, and of that trilogy Empire Strikes Back is the one for me!
1) The introduction of Yoda. One of the greatest characters in the Star Wars universe is introduced to us hilarious fashion, as the little green Jedi master appears to be no more than a slightly crazy swamp native. His funny little voice and tug of war with R2-D2 become all the more hilarious as you later learn he is the ultimate Jedi Master.
2) More Han Solo. Harrison Ford's character is one of, if not the best, characters in cinematic history. He's cool, funny, and it has to be said very attractive. He pilots the coolest ship, he get's the hottest girl, and his co-pilot is a giant lovable beast covered in hair. There is nothing better than Han Solo, and in Empire we get plenty of classic Solo. Definitely a winner.
3) Vader vs Skywalker. A lightsaber battle of EPIC proportions. Luke puts his newly learnt skills to the test up against the menacing villain that is Darth Vader and it does not disappoint! The dark setting allows the bright light of their weapons to create an amazing sense of good vs evil in the scene, something Lucas subsequently tried, and failed, to recreate in Attack Of The Clones when Anakin faces Dooku. One of the best lightsaber fights in the saga and one of the best scenes in this amazing film.
4) The line. They don't come along too often, but sometimes a line is written into a script that will be remembered in cinema until it's dying day. Luckily for every Star Wars fan across the world, Lucas did so when he put pen to paper and wrote the iconic sentence "Luke, I am your father". Sheer brilliance, from a man who's strong suit is definitely not script writing. Ask Harrison Ford.
Any film fan that has somehow missed out on the Star Wars saga, get yourself down to any film shop and purchase them right now! Sit back and enjoy, making sure to pay particular attention to Empire Strikes back, the greatest of them all!
Anyway, there you have it, my favourite three films. You may not agree, but that's fine, I'm sure if you watch them enough you'll come around to my way of thinking!
Written by Ash Davies
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